

Useful commands or ideas to improve your moderation journey.

In this part, you will find lots of tips that can be very useful in your daily life as a Marsha user. These tips are time savers, organizational strategies and additional knowledge!

Set yourself reminders

Get reminded with our reminder system. You can easily set a reminder in one command, and get notified when the time comes.

!reminder add <time> <content>Creates a reminder with the tame and content set
!reminder listGives you a list of all your reminders
!reminder clearClear all your reminders

With reminders, you can multi-task without worrying about forgetting one!

Get the help of trusted members

We often advise our Community Owners to give access to the report command to trusted members of the community. This will allow them to participate into maintaining a healthy atmosphere for the server, but also to help your team - avoiding report spam from untrustworthy members.

Your moderators cannot be aware 24/7 of what's happening on your community. Allowing users at the heart of your community to efficiently report bad behaviour your moderators may not see.

Get rid of self-promotion

If self-promotion, advertising or bad link sharing is a problem on your community, you can use the Auto Moderation & Heat modules to prevent these issues.

One of the best use case is to whitelist commonly used links. And if you want, you can also allow link posting at a certain level/role on your server.
