
Moderate with Marsha

List of all the moderation commands of Marsha.

Here is a list of all the available moderation commands with Marsha. You can manage the access od each one with Groups.

Get information about Users

!user <user id>Search user by nickname or user id
!usernames <user id>Username history of the specified user
!nicknames <user id>Nickname history of the specified user
!members all <name>Displays all guild members
!members name <name>Find users with the same name
!members nickname <name>Find users with the same nickname
!members discriminator <name>Find users with the same discriminator
!members id <name>Find users with the same ID
!auto-mod user <user id>Displays all the infractions of the specified user
!inf moderator <user id>Displays all the infractions of the specified moderator

Note: for the members commands, you can also search with partial data. For example, if you need to find a user, but you only have four digits of their ID (for example: 7845), type !members id 7845 to find every member with the same numbers in their ID.

Auto Moderation

!auto-moderation allDisplays all the flagged messages by the automod
!auto-moderation filter infractionid <inf id>Displays the specified infraction
!auto-moderation filter user <user id>Displays all the flagged messages of a user
!auto-moderation filter type <type>Displays all the flagged messages with the specified type
!auto-moderation filter message <user id>Displays the filtered message


!infDisplays all the infractions
!inf user <user id>Displays all the infractions of the specified user
!inf type <type>Displays all the infractions of the specified type
!inf moderator <user id>Displays all the infractions of the specified moderator
!inf reason <reason>Displays all the infractions containing the same reason
!inf activeDisplays all the active infractions (temporary actions)
!inf id <inf id>Displays the infraction with the specified id

Get more information

!inf get <inf id>Displays the mentioned infraction in a detailed way

Edit infractions

!inf edit <inf id> <reason/time/attachment> <value>Edit a certain parameter of the infraction
!inf edit <inf id> deleteDelete an infraction


!warn <user id> <reason>Warn the user
!kick <user id> <reason>Kick the user from the server
!ban <user id> <reason>Ban the user from the server
!mute <user id> <reason>Mute the user

Temporary sanctions

The duration can be s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) or d (days).

!ban <user id> <duration> <reason>Temporarily ban the user from the server
!mute <user id> <duration> <reason>Temporarily mute the user on the server
!timeout <user id> <duration> <reason>Discord's built-in timeout feature

Revert sanctions

!unban <user id> <reason>Revoke the ban the user from the server
!unmute <user id> <reason>Revoke the mute the user on the server

Dangerous Commands

These commands should be granted to trusted staff members. You can also monitor these commands with the Alerts system.

Multi Sanctions

!multi-ban name <name>Ban multiple users with the same name
!multi-ban id <id>Ban multiple users based on IDs in one command
!multi-ban time <time>Ban multiple users within the set timeframe
!multi-kick name <name>Kick multiple users with the same name
!multi-kick id <id>Kick multiple users based on IDs in one command
!multi-kick time <time>Kick multiple users within the set timeframe

Note: These commands do not execute themselves without any confirmation. You can make a typo without being worried to ban or kick innocent people.


!anti-raid <option>Set the level of anti raid
!channel-lock <channel>Prevent users from writing or speaking in a channel
!channel-unlock <channel>Allow users from writing or speaking in a channel
!channel-lock allPrevent users from writing or speaking in all channels
!channel-unlock allAllow users from writing or speaking in all channels

Miscellaneous Commands

!archive <user> <count>Create an archive of the last messages of the specified user
!bringall <voice channel>Bring all the users in your voice channel into the specified one
!channelDisplays the current channel information
!channels nameDisplays all the channels in the server
!clear <user id/role id/contains/all> <number>Clear messages with specified parameters
!discriminators <discriminator>Find users with the specified discriminator
!emoji <emoji>Displays the specified emoji
!mod-statsDisplays the moderation statistics of the server
!role <role>Get information about a role
Infraction System